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What We Do

We at FIT for ALL strive to eliminate the barriers standing in the way of people with disabilities living a healthy lifestyle. The twelve-week program provides classes two to three times a week, each with one-on-one instruction and structure to guide participants through fitness activities.


Our guided exercise routines encompass the four primary types of physical activity, including aerobic, musculoskeletal, strengthening, joint flexibility, and nutrition All exercises, whether that be circuit style group-classes or strength training machines, are done with the assistance of a trained volunteer, guiding the athlete to perform each movement with proper form and technique. Each exercise can be modified per the athlete’s individual tolerance and ability level.


The ultimate goal is to prevent the onset of secondary health conditions that commonly arise due to sedentary lifestyles. Outcomes for participants include improved endurance, reduced body fat and secondary risk factors, as well as improved cognition, social engagement, and self-image.

important aspects of FIT for ALL


Community Inclusion

By incorporating the workouts in a health club setting, the Athletes have the opportunity to workout with their peers and receive 1 on 1 guidance through all of their exercises. This helps with social awareness and curb anxiety in social settings.


Individualized Exercise

No matter the level of Athlete, FIT for ALL adapts each and every exercise to their individual needs through regression and progressions established by the coach. All exercises are chosen based on the ability levels of the athlete and can be modified as needed. We also track each athletes progress and provide a semesterly summary to them and their family.



By offering a fitness program for the underserved population, you can give back to the community through accessible health! Not only do the Athletes benefit from this, but the volunteers receive unmatched experiences that they can't get anywhere else!


The Five Functional Health Components and Nutrition

Our exercise plans focus on Body Composition, Flexibility, Muscular Endurance, Muscular Strength, and Cardiovascular Endurance. We target these components by providing a diverse fitness class for our athletes. At the start and at the end of each semester we measure each athlete's weight, blood pressure, heart rate, waist size, and flexibility. Along with fitness we also provide nutrition classes for our athletes to educate and guide their eating habits.



Each year we work with local and corporate businesses to bring attention to our cause and raise money for our athletes. We also table at other local events to support our community from marathons, festivals, sporting events, etc. If you are interested in hosting a fundraiser for our organization please get in touch with our events coordinator

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